Setting up checklist for a project

Go to vignette("getting_started", package = "checklist") when you want to use checklist on an R package.

Starting a new project from scratch

Run create_project(path, project). path must be an existing directory. project is the name of the project. create_project() creates the project as a subdirectory of path with name project. It then guides you interactively through the process by asking questions on your preferences on the project. We recommend to answer yes to all yes/no questions. Use setup_project() when you want to change the settings later.

  • You always get an RStudio project with name project.
  • Do you want version control with git? When you answer yes, you get the check_project GitHub Action. This runs check_project() automatically when you (or a contributor) pushed code to GitHub.
    • Do you want a file describing the code of conduct for contributing to your project? This is a template which you may alter to suit your needs.
    • Do you want a file describing guidelines for contributing to your project? This is a template which you may alter to suit your needs.
  • Add a template for
    • Which authors do you want to list?
    • What is the title of the project?
  • Do you want to check the file name conventions with check_filename()?
  • Do you want to check the coding style with check_lintr()?
  • What is the default language of the project?
  • Do you want to spell check the markdown content and R function documentation in your project with check_spelling()? This uses the default language you set in the previous question. Note that you can set a different language on specific files. See vignette("spelling", package = "checklist") for more details on that.
  • Do you want to set a license file? This will set the Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 license. That license allows others to reuse your work provided that you get appropriate credit and they indicate if and which changes they made to your work.
    • Do you want to check the license file? This compares the in your project with the as defined in checklist.
  • Do you want to update the citation files?

Add or update checklist tools in an existing project

Run setup_project(path_to_your_project). This works on existing projects with or without a previous set-up of checklist. In case of a previous set-up, it will take that into account.

  • If you don’t use version control yet, do you want to activate git?
  • Add a when missing.
    • Which authors do you want to list?
    • What is the title of the project?
  • Do you want to check the file name conventions with check_filename()?
  • Do you want to check the coding style with check_lintr()?
  • Do you want to add a license file?
    • Do you want to check the license file if set?
  • Do you want to check spelling with check_spelling().
  • Do you want to update the citation files?

To do once after activating version control

  • Make sure you have at least one commit.
  • Checkout the main branch.
  • Login to
  • Create a new repository without adding a README, .gitignore and license. checklist will add those files for you.
  • Run the code listed under “…or push an existing repository from the command line” in the command line.
  • Go on to the “Settings” panel of the repository.
    • General
      • activate “Always suggest updating pull request branches”
      • activate “Automatically delete head branches”
    • Branches
      • Add branch protection rule
        • branch name pattern: main
        • activate “Require a pull request before merging”
          • in case a team works on the project consider to activate “Require approvals”
        • activate “Require status checks to pass before merging”
          • search and select “check project with checklist”
          • activate Require “branches to be up to date before merging”