1. camtraptor::animal_positions
    Sample of animal position digitization data
  2. camtraptor::dep_calib_models
    Sample of deployment calibration models
  3. camtraptor::mica
    Sample of Camtrap DP formatted data
  4. inborutils::coordinate_example
    Example 'data.frame' with coordinates
  5. inborutils::rain_knmi_2012
    Example 'data.frame' with 'KNMI' downloaded data
  6. inborutils::species_example
    Example 'data.frame' with species name column
  7. multimput::waterfowl
    The observation pattern in the Flemish waterfowl dataset
  8. trias::future
    Future climate list of sf objects
  9. trias::legends
    Legends for climate shapefiles
  10. trias::observed
    Historical climate sf objects
  11. wateRinfo::air_pressure
    Air pressure data of January 1st, 2017
  12. wateRinfo::liedekerke
    Soil moisture data of Liedekerke, January 2017